January 11, 2014

Matauri Bay and Christmas time

Helloo guys!!

Oon pahoillaan etten oo kirjotellu tänne pitkää aikaa mutta osa syynä on siihen ollu ettei mun bloggeri oo toiminu ja en oo pystyny tallentemaan/julkasemaan mun tekstejä joten sit kaikki on vaan kasaantunu päälle ja nyt jos tää vihdoin toimis.. saa nähä.
Ainiin tää onki mun eka postaus tältä vuodelta niin Hyvää Uutta Vuotta 2014 kaikki ihanat!♥

Ps. koitan nyt säästää aikaa ja kirjottaa tän vaa enkuks vaikka mä tiiän ettei mun enkku oo mikää perfect ja et te suomi tyypit ootte varmaa sillee "lol eiks ton enkku oo yhtää parantun siint ku se lähti" mutta voin sanoo että kyllä se silti on parempi ja ettenkä mä tääl ees enkkuu kirjotetust harjaannuta, puhues se on kyl niin paljo parempi kun ennen ja on ihana ku voi kattoo jo kaikkii leffoi ku ymmärtää melkee kaiken, mutta asiaan kuitenki. Et ihan tiedoks vaa etten jaksa nyt välittää jos te aattelette ku tollee yllä mainitsin... :) Pps. toivottavast siel on viel joku joka jaksaa seurailla tätä mun blogii vaikka tota taukoo onki vähä pukkaillu... Nyt kuitenkin asiaan eli mitä tein ennen jouluu ja millanen mun joulu oli.

I'm sooo sorry that I haven't written for looong time... So now I'm doing it briefly

 This is the memorial thing

About a week before Christmas I went to Matauri Bay to the beach with some friends. We had lovely day on the beach just relaxing and swimming. We walked up to the hill to one memorial place and there was so pretty view down to the sea. We took some crazy pictures together. haha

That was a nice sailing evening with my host family and their friends

Day out of boating with my host parents son's family.

 Christmas lunch
 my kiwi name ;)
view from the balcony ♥
 I got this lovely necklace from my host family ♥

 Christmas dinner
... and the dessert
Christmas was soo different than in Finland. I didn't even feel it's Christmas. We celebrated Christmas on the 25th Christmas day. We went to Whangarei to eat Christmas lunch and meet some family. It was nice to get to know some people. We ate a Christmas lunch there which was bacon, eggs, potatoes and bread.. nothing special just like a normal breakfast. We opened some presents even I got one from them haha. And just talked with the other people.

In the evening we went to eat Christmas dinner to my host parents son's home. We ate a BBQ. It's so weird that they don't have like a real Christmas food here what they eat only in Christmas time like we have in Finland. Just like a normal food but a big family together.
When we came back home we opened our presents. Thank you my lovely family and friends who sent me some presents, I love you! Now I have lots of  finnish chocolate ;)

The day after Christmas I went to canoeing with my host mum to the bay. My host mum got a new kayak for Christmas and we had one already so we could go together.

In the evening we had a nice dinner together with my family and their friend Steven anh his wife. We had a turkey and chicken for dinner.

- Amelia ;)

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